Art Bras, Songs & Bios

Every model needs an amazing art bra to wear at the event. These beautiful pieces help you shine on stage. If you are making your bra or have an artist, GREAT. If you need a bra or want to be paired with an artist, GREAT, we are here to help! Please contact Karen Carty, the master of Art Bras, at 248-854-5245 or by email at See below for your deadlines on art bras.

ARE DUE (unpaired artists): Wednesday, August 28th
ART BRAS ARE DUE (paired artists): Monday, September 9th

Model have the choice to wear their bras all evening, or just for the stage show. If you chose not to wear your bra until the stage show, your bra will be on display in the main lobby.

All models have the ability to choose their own song that they want to walk on stage to. Pick something that makes you feel good and makes you want to dance! Please be mindful that this is a public event, try to avoid music that might be offensive. 

Once you pick your song, email it over to DJ Kevin at In the subject line, please include “BFAC Song and YOUR NAME.” Be sure to include the artist and song name and send us the second mark that you want it to start at. Kevin will cut it where it feels natural, typically it will be about 45 seconds.

SONGS ARE DUE: Friday, September 6th

All of our models will have a bio in the program. We are going to reduce the amount of onstage bio reading we typically do so you can hear your song. Guests will be encouraged to follow along in their program to read the bios of each of our amazing models. 

From you, we will need a 60 word or less bio by September 6th. Below are two examples. Please email me your bio when you have it. We do have a committee member who is going to be editing each bio so if you have 75 words and can’t get it down, don’t sweat, Liesl will edit it down to 60 and make it beautiful! 

Please include: 

  • # years survivor or if still fighting
  • brief cancer story
  • what Gilda’s and/or BFAC means to them
  • hobbies (optional)

Example 1 

I recently celebrated five years cancer free. It began with a positive biopsy, followed by a bilateral mastectomy, several additional procedures and three hospitalizations. While I was healing physically, I struggled mentally and emotionally. This is when I found Gilda’s Club, where I found programs to help me heal and others who understood what I was experiencing. 

Example 2 

I am a 4 year survivor & a proud Gilda’s Club member. I went through a Bi – lateral mastectomy, chemo & radiation and am here to tell my story. I’m a member of YSCAC which helps research ways we can help cancer patients, survivors and their caregivers. I enjoy building our community and spending time with loved ones.

BIOS ARE DUE: Friday, September 6th

3517 Rochester Road Royal Oak, MI 48073
Check our location tab for updated hours